This was just too funny to not share…
I am, perhaps, in a position where I have cause to be more grateful than most parents that Dominic has wonderful teachers and brilliant support staff at his school. Because of this I, of course, make sure I remember to give them a little gift and and Christmas card at this time of year, just to let them know that we appreciate them. This year, now Dominic is a slightly more proficient writer, I asked him to write a little something too, you know I thought it might be sweet. I should have known that Dominic would do sweet in his own unique way!
He’s taught to write phonetically so when you read what he’s written, try saying it out loud. Luckily I know he loves them too, and it made me laugh so much that I had to share it before handing it over…
Happy Christmas everyone!

Tell them how you really feel why don’t you?!
Oh that is just brilliant! Each year I have a secret “what is the most interesting way to spell Miss Cuin” competition (pronounced as in “queuin’ at the supermarket checkout”! However, that beats the lot!
Fabulous… what is the most interesting this year?
I have laughed and laughed! ‘Thank you’ Dominic!! Just brilliant!! Xx
took me a while to get that…. fab-u-luss! Am sure they appreciated it 🙂